the wealth battle team

We believe in empowering freedom-minded individuals and entrepreneurs to break free from the rat race and achieve financial independence. We give you information from our experiences in finance, entrepreneurship, and technology to help you achieve your goals and live life on your terms.

lisa manfredi

Lisa is a huge fan of the cash flow (both the game and the financial reality). The principles she learned from the game have awakened her inner opportunist to realize that deals are everywhere and abound in all places we focus our attention. She is also a real estate investor, which is cool too.

Lisa is a mosaic thinker with both range and depth. Her education in neuroscience gave her a keen appreciation for understanding networks and ultimately underpins her approach to business and life. Curious and active-minded, she chipmunks data points, information, experiences, feelings, intentions, and a wealth of other “pieces” to mastermind and realize ideas and relationships.

Lisa recognized that the great fallacies in the financial system and her own financial ignorance left her vulnerable to circumstances. No more! Many people sleep through the most important battle of their lives. Lisa aims to increase the resilience of her community by educating freedom-minded people at Wealth Battle.

Topics Lisa enjoys discussing: Autonomy,
Resiliency, Opportunity Costs, and mitigating downside risk,
Legacy Talk about how to build a future with more free people. 

Ask Lisa about being your own bank!

kason bryden

Kason is a business owner and anarcho-capitalist in Fort Worth, Texas. With experience working in television production as a producer and news photographer, he now spends his time leveraging his skills in production to help arm individuals with a financial education.

When he's not trying to cashflow (in the board game or in his business), Kason likes hanging out with his wife and dog, riding the electric bike, and pontificating philosophical and ethical queries like "If one is to follow their conscience in all things, they cannot follow a given set of laws to the max. Logically, the converse must also be true. In which case: What is the responsibility of a man when a law conflicts with his own personal code of ethics?"

Things that light Kason up: Income (how to negotiate with bosses and clients), Budgeting (teaching how you can play smarter with your Income), and Truth Seeking (what's the truth in the math).

so wealth battle was born...

Kason and Lisa met in a hotel lobby at an event in Mexico talking about Anarcho-Capitalism and Cryptocurrency, and they have become buddies in life and in hosting Wealth Battle together. They both agree that there are few things more satisfying than seeing someone click with the information and teaching to make tangible changes, not only to their short term financial situation, but also to change their entire trajectory and outlook on life.