A BUDGET is A GPS for your money

The problem with budgeting in the USA

You've probably heard "You need a budget" from your friends, family, co-workers, and more. When it comes down to it, no one actually spends the time to teach others how to build a budget. If you are ready to know exactly where you are now financially and where you are going, schedule a budget overhaul with Wealth Battle today.

The dangers of not understanding your money.

Money touches every part of our lives. From where we can live, to what we drive, to how much we can afford to enjoy our time on Earth. It's so important, yet there is no real education on how to budget a month's income. View the budget bootcamp presentation to better understand the problem and solution to money in the USA.

The Budget Bootcamp demonstrates that a well designed budget is like a financial GPS. With an accurate "Where am I now" and "Where am I going" plugged in. It delivers simple turn by turn directions to ensure that you are financially empowered.

overhaul your budget now

First meeting free no CC required.

Overhaul your budget with Wealth Battle.

in a single session you'll be able to answer questions like:

  • "How much do I need to ensure this month is covered?"

  • "What are all of my debts and when are they due?"

Ongoing support is available through WealthBattle.com

self-paced, group, and individual education is available to tailor to your needs.

Long Term $$$

Most who budget for more than 90 days see a increase of about 15% in discretionary income.

For those with debts of greater than $50,000

budgeting with Wealth Battle typically saves tens of thousands of dollars and years of indebtedness.

What can I expect when creating a budget with wealth battle?

A budget is like a financial GPS.

Wealth Battle helps you build a budget so that you know exactly how much money you have now, and how much money you will have going forward.

For those who say "I don't need a budget" try to answer these 3 simple questions with your budget.

1 - How much pay did you take home from your job over the past 3 months?

2 - over 3 months, how many dollars have you averaged taking out of or putting into your bank?

3 - How much do you need to make to ensure this month is fully paid for?

If you can't answer these questions - you need a new budget.

What if I start budgeting and have a question?

If you have questions or need help, you can schedule 1-on-1 help as often as needed until you understand your finances. All Wealth Battlers are also encouraged to attend monthly group meetings online where you can receive help as part of a community.

How long does it take to get "good" at budgeting?

The first 30 days of budgeting are the hardest if you've never done it before.

Think of it like a martial art. The first time you throw a punch, It sucks.

You make mistakes... You practice... You learn... You make more mistakes... You improve your technical skills... You expand your mind... The 100,000th time you throw the same punch?

You crush the target with ease.

What should I do with X money or Y expense?

To be a bit pedantic and overly precise... Anyone who tells you what you SHOULD do with YOUR life doesn't understand The Economic Calculation Problem. 

One framework that a lot of people find value in is:

1. Cover the bills  

2. Embrace true expenses 

3. Build opportunity funds 

4. Extend runways 

5. Build cashflows.

But your individual journey should and will look different.

Why is this budgeting training free?

There are 3 reasons why this is provided at no cost: 

First, We believe budgeting is the next step to becoming financially resilient after securing a way to earn an income in one's life. We use the IBOARSE framework (Income, Budgeting, Opportunity Funds, Ascending Cash Flows, Reduce, Speculation, Escape the Rat Race). 

Second, We like YNAB, and their software enables us to look further than we could before leveraging a tool that helps us schedule money. We want you to be empowered with this! 

Third, as "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch." This is usually the starting point of a relationship between you and the team at WealthBattle.com. We are Arming Individuals with Financial Education. At the end of your 90 minute service you will have the option to purchase additional and ongoing help.

overhaul your budget now

First meeting free no CC required.