The Debt Destroyer - a calculator to understand the math behind your own personal or business debts.

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Got DEBT? Destroy it!

Design a plan to CRUSH your debt for good.

Schedule DEBT DESTROYER meeting

Available for current Wealth Battle Members and active free trials.
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The Debtor

Charges add to debt load - accruing interest, increasing debt loads, and expanding the gap from wealth accumulation. 

The Debtor is Overleveraged.

The Saver

Save/Spend resets wealth. 
The opportunity cost of deploying cash leads to suboptimal accumulation of wealth. 

The Saver is Underleveraged.

The Wealth Battler

With Optimized Strategies, a Wealth Battler leverages Bulletproof Banking principles to Grow, Protect & Use opportunity funds.

The Wealth Battler is Properly Leveraged